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The impact of working families in financial crisis is on the rise. Financially hurting those, helping them to make ends meet.


Parents, relatives and friends are finding themselves with working couples on their couch or living in their basements. 

Two family households have become all to common. Creating strife and confusion within the relationships.

Welcome to Working Families United Inc information website. Our site is designed to:

  • raise awareness of the crisis facing working families

  • raise awareness of hidden homelessness among working families 

  • raise awareness of the causes that are driving families into debt and homelessness

  • raise awareness of the shame and silence they live in

  • raise awareness to the lack of resources available to working families

  • let people know that life happens to use all 

Many of these families lack the financial knowledge and skills necessary to get out and stay out of debt.

They're using the same behavior and skills hoping for different result.

Most social service organizations were designed for the chronically needy - not working families.


So when working families find themselves in need of financial assistance, there is little to no resources.

We're making change through behavior modification, self awareness & identification, coaching,

hands on skills training and long term support.

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