Working Families United Inc.
Family Life Center
Facts Sheet
Our economy is built on the labor of working families. They help build businesses, neighborhoods, churches, and communities.
Most working families are living paycheck-to-paycheck and being only one to two paychecks away from homelessness.
Seventy six percent of American's are living paycheck-to-paycheck.
A lot of working families operate in a silent state of financial crisis everyday without even realizing it.
The majority of working families do not have access to $500 - $1000 in the event of emergency without borrowing from family, friends, their 401(k) or a payday loan company.
Working families make up 41% of the homeless population in America.
Working low - middle income families are the new face of homelessness.
Could you pick the homeless person
out of this group?
Homeless working families get up everyday, go to work with a smile on their face while living in shame and embarrassment about their financial situation.
Financial distress hits working families no matter their income status. Mismanagement of money or a sudden crisis can send low to upper middle income families spiraling out of control if they have no plan.
Bad money habits and lack of financial knowledge is the leading cause of families being in debt.
It does not matter what your income is, if you mismanage it.
Change the behavior and the mindset - you change the outcome of you and your families future.
Your legacy becomes your children's legacy. Many adult children will say they have inherited a parent's financial behavior.
Many working families over promise their paychecks to:
- Bill Collectors
- Family & Friends
- On Unnecessary Purchases
Imagine you woke up this morning in your current financial circumstances. Life as you know it has changed suddenly:
- No ATM/Banks
- No Grocery Stores/Shelves Empty
- No Gas Stations
Everything, shutdown with no end in sight. What would you do? Where would you go? Whom would you turn too?
Those unprepared, will say family and friends. So many working families are trying to build a house with the wrong tools. Anyone who knows construction, understand's in order to build a solid foundation, you need the right tools and resources.
Many households are headed up by folks who do not have the right financial knowledge in order to build a solid foundation for their family's future.
Making their financial struggles - their children's future legacy. Shame, bad money habits, always struggling financially, broke and in debt.